Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Edited heart...

Today I want to share a quote and a picture of another one of my encaustic paintings. The title of this painting is "edited heart," and it speaks to my propensity to try to edit, change, control, and contain my thoughts, words, actions... even my very heart -- the essence of who I am. When I read the following quote from Frederick Buechner, I think maybe I need to have a bit more grace with myself in this regard.

"Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is.... Touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace."


Megs said...

love that quote helen! love this piece too :)

Unknown said...

beautiful work Helen~ and so closely tied to the quote you cited. I can so relate to this on a personal level as well!

Shannon Wilson said...

A beautiful piece and a beautiful quote, Helen. I'm going to put that one front and center on my desk. Words have power. Thank you for that. :) And thank you for your words and support. Yours is a gentle soul and I am lucky to have crossed paths with you.

Dana S. Whitney said...

Great quote.
I see I'm going to be inspired/pushed to sharpen my nibs with the J. Wise class! Love what you've been doing.